Although at the end of the day, when I heard the tracks played back I wasn't to impressed with what I had done I still had a blast with music. When I sing, everything that's on my mind, all the cares of this life just disappear. I am swallowed in the melodies and harmonies. I can't help but feeling exuberant! Singing gives me a high that nothing else in this world can compare to. I can't really even describe it in words. All I know is that what I want to do; what I was born to do. I want to touch people that hear me in a way that will change them for the better.
I dream all the time about being a recording artist. I can't imagine how amazing it would be to do what you love so much all the time and be loved by others for doing it! Wow, what a thought. Maybe for me that dream will come true one day. I'll leave it in God's hands. But I can still hope...